This regulatory body is meant to investigate fundraising that has caused significant public concern, for example cases where an organisation has not been fully transparent about how money raided will be used. Stop the JNF became aware of the Fundraising Regulator’s role when it accepted a complaint about the will-writing arm of the JNF UK.

There exists a code, itemising standards of probity expected of any organisation raising money from the public.  These include clauses specifying that donors must be fully informed in fundraising materials so that when they donate, they are under no illusions about how their money will be used. Therefore, key information about the purposes and actual uses of funds should not be misrepresented, inaccurate or ambiguous. Transparency and honesty are required.

The complaint detailed in this Newsletter has been lodged with the Fundraising Regulator under the terms of the Code  of Fundraising Practice, which  can be seen here.