Stop the JNF – Join the British Park Campaign.

JNF UK’s leisure facility, British Park, is a crime scene, created on the lands of 7 Palestinian villages, emptied in the Nakba. After 1948, the JNF helped Israel dispose of the stolen lands by creating parks and forests: 46 of JNF’s 68 parks or forests are on ethnically cleansed land. The rightful Palestinian owners still claim their Right of Return.

The JNF’s role in ethnic cleansing did not begin – or end – with the Nakba. From its inception in 1901 to this day, the JNF worked to acquire Palestinian land, to remove the indigenous people from that land, and to replace them with Jewish people only – building Israeli apartheid, advancing settler colonialism.

British Park campaign links JNF’s crimes of the past with its crimes today as seen in the Naqab and East Jerusalem.

Stop the JNF’s British Park team has joined with Palestinian partner (Badil, Stop the Wall, Zochrot and grass roots activists) to expose and challenge the crimes of the JNF and the complicity of the British state.

Join the campaign and say “NOT IN OUR NAME” to the JNF and Israel. To request a meeting for your group, email  Find out more about the campaign  here