On the 4th of October a fundraising event in favor of the JNF (KKL) took place in Berlin. The JNF is one of the oldest and most effective instruments of zionist apartheid and oppression in Palestine. Through the founding and funding of illegal settlements, the removal and displacement of non-jewish population and exploitative buying or taking away of land from its habitants, the JNF is implementing the zionistic ideals of discrimination and segregation “on the ground”. The JNF is not “just” an official israeli organization, it is one of the main executors of the racist policies of israel against non-jewish people living in its territory.

We would not stand quietly by, when such organizations are being praised and financed. We would not see such events happen without offering resistance, a resistance which is driven by our solidarity with the palestinian struggle for freedom, with the struggle of the people of the bedouin villages being demolished on a monthly basis by the JNF, and with all the activists risking their freedom and lives to fight for a free and just existence for themselves and for others, who cannot fight those fights alone.

Considering this, we have set with other activists to interrupt and resist an event which we see as taking an active part in war crimes and illegal apartheid. Our act of resistance was symbolic and non-violent. In turn, we were brutally charged by the spectators, a violent reaction which was uncalled for. The exaggerated response of the crowd and the Berlin police, which responded with our activists being followed by undercover police officers, detained and treated as criminals showed once again that the israeli state and its german partner-in-crime are not capable to deal with non-violent resistance. Once again, the cries of antisemitism rose to the air. Resisting apartheid is not antisemitism. Resisting war crimes is not antisemitism. Critic against Israel is not antisemitism.

We send this action as a greeting of solidarity with our brothers and sisters fighting for a better middle east, and as a sign of encouragement for other activists around the world to go on with their just and brave struggle. We will continue to resist the israeli apartheid, wherever it resides. Palestine will be free.

Direct Action Berlin




More Information on the JNF in German: