Apr 3, 2014
Sunday, April 6, 2014, 5 pm
Four Seasons Hotel (W. Georgia and Howe St.), Vancouver, B.C.
On April 6, 2014, the Jewish National Fund JNF Pacific Region is holding its annual “Negev Gala Dinner”. The JNF is publicly claiming to be enhancing the environment and aiding underprivileged youth, this year in conjunction with Canadian Friends of Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem (also built on stolen Palestinian land). Meanwhile, they are working to ethnically cleanse the Palestinian Bedouins from the Negev region, most recently under the infamous Prawer Plan. “The bill is another nakba,” MK Taleb Abu Arar said, talking about the Prawer Plan and referring to the events of 1948 when Israel was established. “It’s based on hatred and racism.”
The Bedouin village of Al Araqib in the Negev has been destroyed 62 times by Israeli and JNF paramilitary forces (as of Nov, 2013), but the Palestinians of the village refuse to surrender, many of them returning time and time again to rebuild. March 30th is also Palestinian Land Day and the villagers of Al Araqib are a moving example of the Palestinians’ enduring attachment to their land.
More info at: Stop the JNF
Please join our Facebook event
Download Poster and/or Handout
Organized by: Canada Palestine Association
Endorsed by: Boycott Israeli Apartheid Campaign (Vancouver), Canadian Boat to Gaza, Independent Jewish Voices, Vancouver
Apr 3, 2014
Where: Tatoo Rock Parlour — 567 Queen Street West (link to map), TORONTO
When: Thursday 3 April from 6:30 – 8 PM
This Thursday, the Jewish National Fund (JNF) is having a fundraiser for an 8 KM hiking and biking trail in Canada Park “in honour of all IDF soldiers who have been held in captivity.” Canada Park is built on the ruins of Imwas, Yalu, and Beit Nuba which were located in the West Bank and destroyed after the 1967 war.
We will be standing outside the Tatoo Rock Parlour, where the event is being held, to give the other story: according to Addameer, the Prison Support and Human Rights Association, as of January of this year (2014), there are 5,023 Palestinian prisoners, including 17 women, 155 held in administrative detention, and 154 children (14 under the age of 16*). According to the UN estimates, over 750,000 Palestinians have gone through the Israeli prison system since 1967.**
We will be honouring Palestinian prisoners and remembering Imwas, Yalu, and Beit Nuba, whose ruins are still visible in Ayalon/Canada Park.
Brought to you by Stop the JNF, Canada and Independent Jewish Voices (IJV), Toronto
stopthejnf.org and ijvcanada.org
Please sign IJV’s petition asking for the revocation of the JNF’s charitable status here.
See the joint Stop the JNF/IJV postcard to the Minister of National Revenue, Kerri Lynne Findley, asking her to revoke the JNF’s charitable status in Canada here, where you can either download for printing or email Stop the JNF, Canada or IJV for postcards.
* http://www.addameer.org/etemplate.php?id=662
** www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp/story.asp?NewsID=41901&Cr=Palestin&Cr1=#.Uzj4xIVsx4s
Mar 13, 2013
Jonah Aline Daniel, of the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network and Stop the JNF Campaign, is excited to share photos, video and stories from the January 2013 Plant-a-Tree In Palestine Delegation on a 9-city organizing tour in the U.S. and Canada this spring.
The goal of the tour is to build the momentum of the Stop the JNF Campaign.
Tour events will include photo and video documentation of the role of the Jewish National Fund in the historic and ongoing colonization of Palestine and strategic conversations about exposing and delegitimizing the JNF.
To be connected with the tour or invite the tour to your city, please be in touch with Jonah: jonahalinedaniel@gmail.com.
Report Back Tour – Dates are approximate:
Thursday April 4th, 6:30 pm
Cafe SouthSide
3405 Chicago Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55407
Chicago April 5-12
Monday April 8th 6:30 PM
Grace Place
637 South Dearborn Street
Chicago, Illinois, 60605
Detroit April April 13-14
Western Mass (University not chosen) April 19-24
Boston April 19-24
NYC April 24-26
Philladelphia April 27-May 2
Baltimore May 2-6
Washington, D.C. May 2-6