British Park

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  2. Make a donation to Stop the JNF – you can contribute directly to the British Park project, toward the work of the Stop the JNF generaly, or to our Plant a Tree in Palestine project
  3. Invite us to speak at your gatherings/events – use us as a resource to initiate conversations
  4. Tell us what you need and how we can help you to have a discussion about al Mujaydil-Balfour Forest with your group/community

British Park – A Declaration by British Citizens:

The JNF was established in 1901 to “redeem” Palestine from “foreigners” (meaning the indigenous Palestinians) by acquiring land, moving Jewish settlers onto that land and keeping it exclusively for the benefit of Jewish people in perpetuity.

British Park was developed by the JNF UK over the ethnically cleansed lands of 7 Palestinian villages.  It was then gifted to Israel. The Park greenwashes the ethnic cleansing of the original inhabitants and seeks to prevent their return. 

The name of British Park makes UK citizens unwittingly complicit in acts of ethnic cleansing and in the erasure of historical truth.

British Park is not unique. The world-wide JNF organisation has funded many parks and forests on ethnically cleansed land: 46 of the 68 JNF parks or forests are on stolen Palestinian land. These developments are often named after eminent individuals or countries. (e.g. The Coretta Scott King Forest; Balfour Forest; South Africa Park.)

The JNF UK was a registered charity when it developed British Park and remains a charity to this day, benefiting from 25% Gift Aid. Individuals who supported the JNF UK are memorialised within British Park; Jewish communities around the world are encouraged by the JNF to commemorate deceased relatives with donations towards tree planting. It is one of the ways the JNF seeks to bond Jewish people to the Zionist project.   

The Stop the JNF British Park campaign also draws attention to the ongoing ethnic cleansing of Palestine.  Today, the JNF remains faithful to its political ideology and acts to advance it. Recently, the JNF announced its intention to openly acquire swathes of Palestinian property across the Green Line in flagrant breach of international law. The JNF  is  active in the Naqab, where  Bedouin people are being forcibly transferred, the aim being the Judaization of the area. The JNF are also implicated in enforced evictions in occupied East Jerusalem, where it has worked through a proxy, Himnuta. Given the JNF leadership’s recent proclamation that it will acquire land in the occupied territories in its own name, forcible evictions and removals of Palestinians look set to escalate.  

This campaign pledges to amplify the call for justice of our Palestinian partners – some of whom are refugees whose real home lies under British Park. Together, we assert the Right of Return, reject the JNF and will work to have its charitable status removed.

British Park is Not in Our Name



